CT Sewell Elementary
C.T. Sewell Elementary was the site of the first Social CirKISH class! For the past 10 years over 600 students have benefited from the program at this Title 1* school. A title 1 school receives federal funds for its students. The program provides supplemental funds to school districts to assist schools with the highest student concentrations of poverty to meet school educational goals. CirKISH strives to work with schools that meet this funding requirement.
Special Education
For 3 years CirKISH has worked closely with special education students, their teachers, and their aides to help them develop basic coordination skills. The students learn to jump, throw/catch objects, improve spacial awareness, and ameliorate core strength. They improve their skills in an environment they find enticing, tranquil, and catered to their special needs. This program has been a success at Del Sol High School and Josh Stevens Elementary School.
Del Sol Magnet School
Since 2015 CirKISH has been working in partnership with Del Sol Academy of The Performing Arts High School and their dance program. The partnership allows the dancers in the program to expand their movement vocabulary and increase their skill base. They have the opportunity to learn aerial acrobatics, juggling, object manipulation, clowning, and advanced tumbling skills.
The students collaborate with CirKISH on performances and work towards improving their self-esteem.
St Jude's Ranch
St Jude’s Ranch for Children aspires to transform the lives of abused and at-risk children, young adults, and families, by empowering them to create new chances, new choices and new hope in a caring community. Social CirKISH helps fulfill that mission by offering onsite circus workshops that encourage all children living in foster care to pursue a passion for the circus arts. The students are encouraged to engage with their peers in a positive, challenging, and motivational weekly class.
Brown Middle School
For the past 5 years, Social CirKISH has been working directly with Brown middle school to offer a weekly after school social circus program. The school assumes the role of compensating an accompanying staff member to shadow the CirKISH team during their weekly classes. This commitment on behalf of the school is at the core of the Social CirKISH ideology; partnering with schools and engaging with dedicated staff members that recognize the value in the curriculum offered by the Social CirKISH team.
Ed W. Clark School
CIrKISH is working with this magnet High School dance program to introduce students to the circus arts and give them the opportunity to diversify their skills by helping them improve their acrobatics, partner work, and hand-eye coordination. Aerial acrobatics will help students improve their upper body strength. Clowning and theater exercises will further refine their stage presence. The students expressed an increase in self-esteem after a few classes in the program.
B&G clubs of S Nevada
Social CirKISH worked closely with the Reynolds/Green Valley and KISH locations of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada to provide summer programming to children attending the clubs. The Boys & Girls Club is committed to this ongoing partnership by providing onsite assistance to the coaches in addition to managing the enrollment process. The students learn valuable skills at no cost to them or their families.
Youth Offenders Court
Partnering with the Honorable Judge Cedric Kerns, youth offenders attend a weekly CirKISH class that aids in maintaining their sobriety and improve their outlook, enhancing their ability to communicate with their peers and superiors. The focus for this specialty drug court is defendants between the ages of 18 and 24.
YO Court comprises a team of specialists, treatment providers, attorneys, house arrest officers and other community providers who work with the defendants to obtain and maintain sobriety. Over the course of the one-year program, defendants must demonstrate responsibility for their drug and alcohol problems and negative life choices.
Social CirKISH Office
With so many youth engaged in the program around the Las Vegas Valley, CirKISH offers onsite programming to give students an opportunity to take an additional weekly class or stay with the program if they move away or graduate from a school that offered the program. The summer program, offered to a select group of dedicated and passionate youth, is also held at this location.